Holding true to its holiday tradition, the IRS yet again decided to extend the deadline by which providers of minimum essential coverage (including certain applicable large employers (“ALEs”)) must furnish information statements to individuals regarding their 2019 insurance coverage. However, due to the effective elimination of the ACA’s individual mandate penalty through the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”), the IRS went one step further than in past years by allowing certain providers to forgo the individual furnishing requirement, if certain notice requirements are met instead.
Continue Reading Notice 2019-63 Delivers Relief for Providers of Minimum Essential Coverage

Facing likely defeat, Republicans have pulled the American Health Care Act, which would have made numerous changes to the information reporting provisions and employment tax provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).   The legislation would have also created a new information reporting requirement by adding Section 6050X to the
Continue Reading House Republicans Pull ACA Replacement Bill